Saturday, May 15, 2010

We support Ed Mc Manus for Selectman! DEMOCRAT large and small democrat!

Dear Friends,

Six years ago the voters of Harwich gave me the opportunity to serve them as a member of the Board of Selectmen. I am grateful for the trust that was placed in me and I am asking for your help to continue to serve the Town of Harwich.

Not withstanding the financial problems we have had to face over the past years, much has been accomplished, and much still needs to be accomplished. In addition to setting policies on debt and use of free cash, most important has been the commitment to using ongoing revenues to pay for the ongoing expenses of the operating budget, not free cash or other one time sources. I have enjoyed being part of this process and feel I have made and will continue to make positive contributions.

Over the past three years we have advanced on many fronts. I take pride in the role I have played in developing new needed facilities whether it is the Habitat Housing at Gomes Way, the new police station, refurbished recreation facilities like the Bocce and Tennis courts at Brooks Park or the expanded parking and new restrooms at Earl Road Beach. In planning for Harwich’s near and long term future I have pushed for design funds for the Route 137 rebuild, economic planning activities in East Harwich, a High School Building Needs Study, adoption of Beach and Harbor Management capital plans and continuing support and funding for Clean Waste Water planning. The advances and awards that our schools have achieved has been nothing less than outstanding and deserving of our continued support.

I am also committed to continued work with the many businesses and organizations that support our town through the recreational, cultural and social events and improvements they work on. The Chamber of Commerce with their Fall for Harwich initiative, the Junior Theater’s efforts to bring activity and restoration to the Old Rec. Building, the Senior Softball League’s investment in fields and sponsoring the annual fall tournament, these are all things that bring a richness to our town which supports our tourism economy.

While I believe we have made a lot of progress over the past three years, the years ahead pose many challenges. We will have to decide what course to take in cleaning our waste water; which services to consider regionalizing with our neighbors, and to what extent; what services we can no longer afford, if any; and to what extent we are going to expand existing revenues or look to new revenue sources. I am asking for your help to allow me to continue to work on these challenges that face our Town. We must continue to maintain a good balance between the services provided, the cost of those services and the burden on our taxpayers. Thank you for your help in what we have done, and in what we will do in the next three years.

If you feel you can help me in an active, public or tangible way, please return the enclosed slip. I am grateful for your support, your trust, and your vote on May 15.


Edward J. McManus
Candidate for Re-election to the Board of Selectmen

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